Product listFins Full Foot Najade Sprint

Fins Full Foot Najade Sprint

Rp 2.350.000

Fins Full Foot Najade Sprint

The SPRINT fins have been designed for stronger and more experienced swimmers. Due to their stronger head part these fins are enable to get higher starting acceleration and higher speed. Most of the men world records of finswimming are held by NAJADE SPRINT. These type of fins are also preferred by underwater hockey and rugby players, who need high speed swimming on short distances.

Category Fins Full Foot
Brand Najade Fins
Stock Ready
SKU 52110
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Fins Full Foot Najade Sprint

In general the SPRINT fins enable faster swimming than SPEED type does, but you need more energy to maintain the higher speed with SPRINT type. We can not give you exact rule for your choosing because your best type is depend on your personal abilities, feeling, training level, racing strategy, etc.

Category : Fins
Brand : Najade Fins
Code :
Stock : Ready

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